
I'm a Senior Software Engineer working remotly from Brazil.

I have been working for at least 5 years building production grade softwares for industries that empoy IoT (Internet of Things) data processing and e-KYC (Electronic Know Your Customer) services.

My main expertise relies on building backend applications with Python and Golang, deploying microservices to Kubernetes clusters. Here are some of the technologies I've worked with:

  • Docker and Kubernetes
  • REST APIs - FastAPI, Flask and Django libraries/frameworks
  • CI/CD tools
  • ORMs libraries - SQLAlchemy and GORM
  • Databases - PostgreSQL, Cassandra and MongoDB

By the way, I graduated from Federal University of Technology (UTFPR) in Electronics Engineering and finished my Master's degree in IoT Engineering in 2019.

In my free time, I like to take care of my garden.